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The Basics of a Healthy Lifestyle

We are living in an era of striving for a healthy lifestyle. Despite this, our society's health and fitness indicators have significantly deteriorated over the past decades (KSH, 2014). Health as a trend has perhaps never been as significant in societies as it is today. While health awareness is improving, health behaviors are not changing despite the abundance of easily accessible information (O’Connor, 2019).

With numerous magazines, countless advisors, dietary trends, and exercise methods, finding an individualized, health-conscious solution that is not solely result-oriented can be challenging. Understanding the scientific background necessary to organize a healthy lifestyle is essential for maintaining and restoring health.

Egészséges, hosszú élet megteremtése a célunk, természetes megoldások, gyógynövények, illóolajok, testmozgás, gondolkodásmód
Our goal is to maintain a happy, healthy and long life

Negative Impacts on the Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle:

  1. A fast-paced and irregular lifestyle

  2. Lack of physical activity

  3. Consumption of unhealthy, low-quality, and low-nutrient foods

  4. Chronic stress and the resulting physiological and psychological changes

  5. Negative, destructive, and responsibility-avoiding mindset

All these factors further reduce the number of years one can spend in good health (Lavie et al., 2019).

Young people and adults alike lack proper strategies to manage the stress caused by a fast-paced lifestyle and to cope with its consequences. Additionally, the body doesn't have time to process the stimuli it encounters (Tsigos et al., 2020). This can lead to an imbalance in the body, disrupting metabolic processes and increasing the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which can cause civilization diseases in the long run.

The most common civilization diseases resulting from these processes (Russel et al., 2019):

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

  • Thyroid diseases

  • Adrenal fatigue

Az életminőségünk romlása a mai tendencia, egészség, mozgás, táplálkozás, természetes megoldások, illóolajokl
civilization diseases

One of the healthy solutions is incorporating personalized intensity and frequency of physical activity and establishing healthy dietary and lifestyle habits tailored to one's life. These are the effective pillars of stress management. Additionally, we can balance our mental and psychological health through relaxation and the use of essential oils. Effective stress management may be the key to a healthier, more livable lifestyle, which, based on what we've read, requires a complex solution.

There are many solutions in this area, but I definitely prefer natural, pure solutions since they have no side effects and stimulate the body's self-healing processes. Examples include plant essential oils, which are treasures given to us by nature.

People today are bombarded with numerous influences and information, making it difficult to choose what to follow. Always check the sources of this information to see if they are credible. On this platform, we help you navigate this noisy world, pointing out whom and what is worth paying attention to, focusing on professionally grounded, credible individuals and solutions.

Csatlakozz a Vitalongia pozitív, építő gondolkodású közösségéhez , wellness, fittness, táplálkozás, egészség, jóllét, életmód
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If you are curious about the positive effects of beneficial herbs on health and their most effective uses, visit one of our upcoming Essence Experience events or online roundtable discussions!

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